With the aid of HK Anti-epidemic Fund, the Buildings Department leads to conduct inspection on external drainage system of domestic and composite buildings in order to reduce the risk of epidemic spreading.
Projects under the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) that Buildings with aged 30 years or above and served with statutory notices. Appointment of RI to carry out prescribed inspections and supervise prescribed repairs works.
Projects under the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme (MWIS) that Buildings with aged 10 years or above and served with statutory notices. Appointment of QP to carry out prescribed inspections and supervise prescribed repairs works.
Fire safety improvement works for Commercial Premises which constructed before 1 March 1987 under Fire Safety (Commercial Premises) Ordinance Cap. 502.
General Building Condition Survey to identify common defects & deficiencies inside (internal) and outside (external) buildings
Management of construction projects to fulfill client's requirement with professional control of time, cost and effectiveness.